Our firm practices in the courts of Puerto Rico, both local and federal and regularly handle trademark matters before the Puerto Rico Department of State being one of the leading trademark filing firms in Puerto Rico. We also handle trademark and patent matters before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), including among others, design and International PCT applications.
H&P is a fully bilingual firm whose professionals have devoted their professional lives to the area of intellectual property. We are capable of communicating through various means and a person is always available during working hours to meet your needs by telephone.
We understand that the cost of legal fees can prove prohibitively expensive for many companies. However, we strive to maintain our fees competitive by improving our efficiency through the use of the latest computerized technologies. Because of our commitment to quality within a competitive fee structure, we have rapidly grown not only in the local market for legal services but also with companies located around the world. We are pleased to note that our export of intellectual property services to non-Puerto-Rican-based companies continues to grow. Our firm is committed to provide our clients with a dedicated and professional service.